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Take a Step Towards Energy Independence Today

Energize your path to independence with Agile Solar. Whether you have questions about solar energy or need installation information, reach out today to take the first step towards a greener future.

Frequently Asked Questions to Help Put You On the Right Path

We’re here to provide clarity and empower you with the knowledge you need to confidently embark on your journey toward sustainable energy independence.

What is the difference between a normal home solar system and an off-grid home solar system?

A typical residential solar system is connected to the grid, requiring any excess energy generated by your panels to be sent back to the utility; this is known as 'grid-tied' or 'net-metered'. An off-grid solar system operates independently, which requires battery storage in order to provide power during periods without sunlight. A hybrid system is a combination of the two, typically with battery storage on the consumer's side of the utility's power meter. We provide solutions for both hybrid and off-grid systems.

What are the components of a solar system?

  • Solar Panel. Converts sunlight to DC (direct-current) power, using the photovoltaic effect! Typically sized in Watts (W, equal to volts times amps)
  • Charge Controller. Manages the delivery of power from the panels to the storage or load; prevents reverse flow of current or overcharging of batteries.
  • Battery. Stores the DC power for use when sunlight is not available.
  • Inverter. Takes DC power from the batteries, typically at 12, 24, or 48 volts, and converts it to AC (alternating-current) power at 120 volts. Use a pure-sine-wave inverter to protect sensitive electronics from damage!
  • Monitor. Optional; assists in load management and system health.

Some solutions will incorporate multiple features in a device; for example, a solar power station usually has built-in charge controllers and inverters, and a monitor display.

How many panels/batteries do I need?

The system size is determined by a comprehensive survey of likely loads, including AC- (fans, heaters, appliances) and DC-powered (laptops, phones, lights) devices you need to run, combined with the solar supply and availability of the space you have for panels (rooftop, ground-mounted, or portable). Balance between supply and load is the sign of a good system design. Contact us for a free on-site survey today!

What are the steps involved with a solar installation?

  • Inspection, always custom and always free! Provides an in-depth look at system possibilities.
  • Design, with components individually selected for just what you need! 
  • Installation, always done by us. We will never outsource the work to get you up and running.
  • Integration, which includes a demonstration of system operation and seasonal maintenance. We won't leave you in the dark, ever!
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Connect with Agile Solar for Off-grid Solar Expertise

Reach out to receive a free quote and custom installation recommendations. We’re experienced and dedicated to helping you discover the perfect solar solution tailored to your unique needs and goals.

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